Best BFF Memes for You and Your Bestie (2024)

Best friends are those rare people whose weirdness frequency matches yours. They laugh with you, laugh at you, and make you laugh. Your bestie is the jelly to your peanut butter—they make life a little bit sweeter, even when things get sticky.

What are Best Friend Memes?

Best friend memes celebrate the unique relationship of a BEST friend. Ordinary normal friends are great, but there are things you share only with your bestie. BFF memes speak to the special qualities and trust that exists only between the very best of friends.

How are Best Friend Memes Used?

Best friend memes are used to express appreciation for your BFF, remind them how important they are to you, or give them a giggle to brighten their day. Best friend memes can be a little saucy, a little sassy, and sometimes sentimental. There's usually just a pinch of sweetness hiding in there, too.

Here are the top 24 best friend memes to share with your partner in crime, your unbiological sibling, your bad influence, and your biggest cheerleader—a.k.a. your bestie.


of 24

Beware the Curse of Knowledge!

Best BFF Memes for You and Your Bestie (1)

This meme is a little bit creepy, a little bit cheeky, and probably more than a little bit true. Use this meme to give your BFF a giggle—or a shiver.


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I'm Pretty Sure It's You

Best BFF Memes for You and Your Bestie (2)

When you and your bestie are tied for which one has come up with the most terrible (but hilarious) ideas over the years, this is your meme.


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Me ... Priceless!

Best BFF Memes for You and Your Bestie (3)

Use this meme when you need to remind your BFF just how lucky she is to have you. Clearly, you’re the cream of the crop!


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Animal-Loving BFFs

Best BFF Memes for You and Your Bestie (4)

When you and your bestie are animal lovers, it's tough to sync your schedule for important events. While you realize it’s her dog’s b-day, it’s totally a nice day for a cat wedding.


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I Love Your For Your Mind

Best BFF Memes for You and Your Bestie (5)

When you can talk for hours about the most far out topics, you know you have a BFF of the brain. Let your best deep-thinking friend know you appreciate them for their mind with this meme. If you really want to impress them, you can send other think memes to help stimulate the conversation.

When You Know, You Know

Best BFF Memes for You and Your Bestie (6)

Sometimes, you meet someone and you just know they're meant to be your bestie. Or, at least, a really cool long-term super friend—who also enjoys argyle sweater vests.


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Best BFF Memes for You and Your Bestie (7)

Nobody can deny that Barack Obama and Joe Biden have the top BFF bromance of all time. And, really, who can resist friendship bracelets? Use this meme to show your best bro that he’s totally your Barack or your Joe.


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Always Some Meme There to Remind Me

Best BFF Memes for You and Your Bestie (8)

Everyone has a down or lonely day once in a while. If your BFF forgets they have you, then you have this meme to remind them.


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Say 'Cheesy Selfies, But We're Gonna Post Them Anyway'

Best BFF Memes for You and Your Bestie (9)

You know your friendship is for life when you can take silly selfies together and you both post them publicly without caring about how goofy you look.


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I Want Crazy

Best BFF Memes for You and Your Bestie (10)

When you and your best friend can share your innermost crazy thoughts, keep that person for life. A BFF who shares your crazy is fantastic therapy.


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A Life Without Netflix Is Not Worth Living

Best BFF Memes for You and Your Bestie (11)

This meme is a great reminder that true BFFs always have each other’s back. Also, they know just what to say to prevent “an unfortunate incident."


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Warning: Best Friends Tell Each Other Everything

Best BFF Memes for You and Your Bestie (12)

You might never know it, but behind the scenes everyone tells their bestie all the secrets. All. The. Secrets. Yes, even your secrets.


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This Isn’t Going to End Well

Best BFF Memes for You and Your Bestie (13)

BFFs are people, but they are also a bit like territory. When someone crosses the sacred line and calls your best friend their best friend, armies will be raised and battle lines drawn. Or you can subtly tag your bestie on this meme to scare the offender off.


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Jinx! It’s the World’s Greatest Super Power

Best BFF Memes for You and Your Bestie (14)

Best friends finish each other’s sentences. They often know what the other is thinking. However, saying the same thing at the same time is their greatest super power.


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Must see BFF TV!

Best BFF Memes for You and Your Bestie (15)

It seems reality TV is here to stay. If you and your best friend had a reality show, at least you’d have something entertaining to watch. Use this meme to entice your favorite TV networks.


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Your Behavior Belongs in a Galaxy Far Away

Best BFF Memes for You and Your Bestie (16)

When your best friend is willing to be seen in public with you no matter how ridiculous you can sometimes be, you should appreciate them with this meme.


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That’s My BFF Right There

Best BFF Memes for You and Your Bestie (17)

And that one friend is usually your bestie or yourself. When your BFF is clumsy, show you care by making her laugh with this meme—and always travel with a first aid kit.


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A Horse Is a Horse on a Horse?

Best BFF Memes for You and Your Bestie (18)

A real best friend will join you in even your weirdest ideas. Use this meme to remind them your ideas could always be worse, of course, of course.


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But Seriously, What Are You Wearing? Sears?

Best BFF Memes for You and Your Bestie (19)

Ah, banter! The special language of friendship. Use this meme to show your BFF that you’ll always be there to trade insults with her, even when you get old.


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Who Called the Fun Police, Anyway?

Best BFF Memes for You and Your Bestie (20)

When you and your BFF are having fun together, you can’t help but get a little bit wacky and wild. Save this meme for the people who are just too jealous of your fun.


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Just You Wait Until My BFF Gets Here!

Best BFF Memes for You and Your Bestie (21)

There's a special chemistry between best friends that just magnifies each person’s best qualities. Somehow, you’re always more you when you’re with them. This meme serves as a warning to those who can barely deal with you without your BFF around.


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You’re Weird. I Appreciate That in a Friend

Best BFF Memes for You and Your Bestie (22)

The foundation of any good friendship is enjoying each other’s company. Which naturally leads to joining in on each other’s weirdness. Use this meme to celebrate your wonderfully weird BFF.


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You Would Love Us. We’re Hilarious

Best BFF Memes for You and Your Bestie (23)

When you and your BFF are the funniest people you know, it’s natural to feel bad for those less fortunate in the hilarity department.


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Stuck Like Glue!

Best BFF Memes for You and Your Bestie (24)

The best thing about best friends is that you can’t get rid of them, even if you tried. While other friends ebb and flow with the tide of life, this meme reminds us all that the ones worth keeping will just stick.

Best BFF Memes for You and Your Bestie (2024)


Why is your bestie the best? ›

A best friend will always have your back; they will be honest with you, but they will not betray you. Trust. You can count on these friends to be open, honest and loyal. They will keep shared confidences to themselves, and will not speak negatively about you to others.

How do you express your bestie? ›

To my best friend, I'll always be there for you, no matter what. You're more than just a friend, you're my sister/brother from another mister. I'm so grateful to have you in my life. You make me laugh, you make me cry, and you always know how to make me feel better.

Who is a true bestie? ›

True friendship may be defined as mutual unconditional love. This can be a different type of love than you might receive from your family or your partner. Real friends may show unconditional love and expect nothing in return. They may not judge you or think less of you.

Should I say bestie? ›

You might say “Love you, bestie!” on your friend's post to express affection or even use a hashtag like #BestieGoals. It's important to note that the usage of "bestie" can vary among individuals and communities, and its use is generally informal and friendly.

How can I be a real bestie? ›

In practice, this can look like:
  1. Feeling good. Good friends say nice things to each other. ...
  2. Supporting each other. ...
  3. Love the differences. ...
  4. Be a good listener. ...
  5. Be a trustworthy friend. ...
  6. Maintain respect and respectful boundaries. ...
  7. Give them your time. ...
  8. Reciprocal connection.
Aug 24, 2021

Does bestie mean love? ›

When a guy says, "you're my bestie," it typically means that he sees you as his best friend or closest friend. It's a term of endearment and affection used to express a strong and positive bond between two people. It suggests a level of trust, comfort, and camaraderie in the relationship.

Is My Bestie into me? ›

Others people's objective opinions of you can be helpful in knowing where your friendship actually stands. An even bigger signal that your friend is into you is if they themselves crack jokes about your relationship. Maybe they jokingly fantasize about growing old together or call a one-on-one hangout a date off-hand.

How do you say bestie in one word? ›

best friend
  1. bosom buddy.
  2. close friend.
  3. companion.
  4. confidant.
  5. dear friend.
  6. pal.
  7. soul mate.

What is a true friend quote? ›

Real friends are the ones you can count on no matter what. The ones who go into the forest to find you and bring you home.And real friends never have to tell you that they're your friends.”

What is a strong friendship quote? ›

Quotes On The Lasting Power Of Friendship
  • "A faithful friend loves to the end." — Unknown.
  • "True friendship is a plant of slow growth…" — ...
  • "The only reward of virtue is virtue; the only way to have a friend is to be one." — Ralph Waldo Emerson.
Apr 28, 2024

What makes a good bestie? ›

It's important to have a friend that is forgiving and merciful when you mess up or have an occasional bad mood. You'll want to befriend someone who fully accepts apologies and doesn't hold your slip-ups against you. Giving – As we learned in kindergarten, sharing really is caring.

How to make your friend feel special over text? ›

  1. Text back within fifteen minutes or half an hour.
  2. Wish them Good Night in a sweet way not “” Girls do not like when someone special to them says gn. ...
  3. Ask them how was their day.
  4. Tell them something funny but do not overdo it.
  5. Do not ask the same questions. ...
  6. Send them a few lines from your song that you really like.
Dec 6, 2018

What defines a good friend? ›

A true friendship is defined by knowing someone has your back, no matter what. A good friend will watch out for you and ensure you are safe, feel supported, and are loved. A good friend will never purposely lead you into making decisions or taking actions that aren't good for you.

Why do I love my bestie? ›

There are so many reasons why I love my best friend. There are certain things a BFF can do that no other friend can. Private jokes, no ego, feeling like family, sisters for life! A best friend is above all else.

Why is bestie important? ›

We are all individuals, with different experiences and opinions, but having a best friend to share things with can help us learn new things about ourselves. The things they share with us can open our eyes to new ideas and ways to think about the world around us, explains Belleghem.

Why is it good to have a best friend? ›

Increase your sense of belonging and purpose. Boost your happiness and reduce your stress. Improve your self-confidence and self-worth. Help you cope with traumas, such as divorce, serious illness, job loss or the death of a loved one.

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Name: Rev. Leonie Wyman

Birthday: 1993-07-01

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Introduction: My name is Rev. Leonie Wyman, I am a colorful, tasty, splendid, fair, witty, gorgeous, splendid person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.