[PDF] MEGA7: Molecular Evolutionary Genetics Analysis Version 7.0 for Bigger Datasets. | Semantic Scholar (2024)

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MEGA7 (opens in a new tab)Molecular Evolutionary Genetics (opens in a new tab)Molecular Evolutionary Genetic Analysis (opens in a new tab)Molecular Evolutionary Genetics Analysis (opens in a new tab)Tree Explorer (opens in a new tab)MEGA-CC (opens in a new tab)Phylogenomics (opens in a new tab)Sequence (opens in a new tab)TimeTree (opens in a new tab)Gene Family Trees (opens in a new tab)

36,250 Citations

MEGA11: Molecular Evolutionary Genetics Analysis Version 11
    K. TamuraG. StecherSudhir Kumar

    Biology, Computer Science

    Molecular biology and evolution

  • 2021

New additions are described that make MEGA a more comprehensive tool for building timetrees of species, pathogens, and gene families using rapid relaxed-clock methods and a Bayesian method for estimating neutral evolutionary probabilities of alleles in a species using multispecies sequence alignments.

MEGA11: Molecular Evolutionary Genetics Analysis version
    K. TamuraG. StecherSudhir Kumar

    Biology, Computer Science

  • 2021

New additions are described that make MEGA a more comprehensive tool for building timetrees of species, pathogens, and gene families using rapid relaxed ‐ clock methods and a Bayesian method for estimating neutral evolutionary probabilities of alleles in a species using multispecies sequence alignments.

  • 49
  • PDF
MEGA X: Molecular Evolutionary Genetics Analysis across Computing Platforms.
    Sudhir KumarG. StecherMichael LiChristina KnyazK. Tamura

    Computer Science, Biology

    Molecular biology and evolution

  • 2018

The Molecular Evolutionary Genetics Analysis (Mega) software implements many analytical methods and tools for phylogenomics and phylomedicine and has additionally been upgraded to use multiple computing cores for many molecular evolutionary analyses.

  • 25,938
  • Highly Influenced
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A Bioinformatics Protocol for Quickly Creating Large-Scale Phylogenetic Trees
    H. López-FernándezPedro Duque J. Vieira

    Biology, Computer Science


  • 2018

A simple and fast protocol for data preparation and high quality phylogenetic tree inferences using simple to install cross-platform software applications with rich graphical interfaces to provide insight into the evolution of GULO gene in animals.

Molecular Evolutionary Genetics Analysis (MEGA) for macOS.
    G. StecherK. TamuraSudhir Kumar

    Computer Science, Biology

    Molecular biology and evolution

  • 2020

The macOS version of the MEGA software, which eliminates the need for virtualization and emulation programs, has a native Cocoa graphical user interface that is programmed to provide a consistent user experience across macOS, Windows, and Linux.

  • 1,107
  • PDF
DAMBE7: New and Improved Tools for Data Analysis in Molecular Biology and Evolution
    X. Xia

    Biology, Computer Science

    Molecular biology and evolution

  • 2018

New functions include imputing missing distances and phylogeny simultaneously simultaneously, new bootstrapping/jackknifing methods for PhyPA, and an improved function for fast and accurate estimation of the shape parameter of the gamma distribution for fitting rate heterogeneity over sites.

  • 509
  • Highly Influenced
  • [PDF]
Bioinformatics Protocols for Quickly Obtaining Large-Scale Data Sets for Phylogenetic Inferences
    H. López-FernándezPedro Duque J. Vieira

    Biology, Computer Science

    Interdisciplinary Sciences: Computational Life…

  • 2018

This paper shows how the sequence data file used for the phylogenetic analyses can now be obtained much faster by changing the way coding sequence isoforms are removed, using the newly implemented SEDA operation “Remove isoforms”.

  • 12
VCF2PopTree: a client-side software to construct population phylogeny from genome-wide SNPs
    Sankar SubramanianUmayal RamasamyDavid Chen

    Computer Science, Biology


  • 2019

A user-friendly software that uses genome-wide SNPs to construct and display phylogenetic trees in seconds to minutes and produces pairwise-diversity matrix in MEGA and PHYLIP file formats as well as trees in the Newick format which could be directly used by other popular phylogenetic software programs.

VCF2PopTree: a one-click client-side software to construct population phylogeny from genome-wide SNPs
    Sankar SubramanianUmayal RamasamyDavid Chen

    Computer Science, Biology

  • 2019

A one-click user-friendly software that uses gnome-wide SNPs to construct and display phylogenetic trees in seconds to minutes and produces pairwise-diversity matrix in MEGA and PHYLIP file formats which could be directly used by other phylogenetic software programs.

  • Highly Influenced
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PhyloSuite: an integrated and scalable desktop platform for streamlined molecular sequence data management and evolutionary phylogenetics studies
    Dong ZhangFangluan Gao Gui T. Wang

    Computer Science, Biology


  • 2018

PhyloSuite is a user-friendly workflow desktop platform dedicated to streamlining molecular sequence data management and evolutionary phylogenetics studies, and employs a plugin-based system that integrates a number of useful phylogenetic and bioinformatic tools.

  • 6



12 References

MEGA6: Molecular Evolutionary Genetics Analysis version 6.0.
    K. TamuraG. StecherD. PetersonA. FilipskiSudhir Kumar

    Biology, Computer Science

    Molecular biology and evolution

  • 2013

An advanced version of the Molecular Evolutionary Genetics Analysis software, which currently contains facilities for building sequence alignments, inferring phylogenetic histories, and conducting molecular evolutionary analysis, is released, which enables the inference of timetrees, as it implements the RelTime method for estimating divergence times for all branching points in a phylogeny.

  • 38,843
  • Highly Influential
  • PDF
MEGA-CC: computing core of molecular evolutionary genetics analysis program for automated and iterative data analysis
    Sudhir KumarG. StecherD. PetersonK. Tamura

    Biology, Computer Science


  • 2012

MEGA-CC provides users with access to all the computational analyses available through MEGA's graphical user interface version, including methods for multiple sequence alignment, substitution model selection, evolutionary distance estimation, phylogeny inference, substitution rate and pattern estimation, tests of natural selection and ancestral sequence inference.

  • 312
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MEGA: Molecular Evolutionary Genetics Analysis software for microcomputers
    Sudhir KumarK. TamuraM. Nei

    Computer Science, Biology

    Comput. Appl. Biosci.

  • 1994

In this program, various methods for estimating evolutionary distances from nucleotide and amino acid sequence data, three different methods of phylogenetic inference (UPGMA, neighbor-joining and maximum parsimony) and two statistical tests of topological differences are included.

  • 1,084
  • PDF
A simple algorithm to infer gene duplication and speciation events on a gene tree
    C. ZmasekS. Eddy

    Computer Science, Biology


  • 2001

This work gives an algorithm to infer speciation and duplication events on a gene tree by comparison to a trusted species tree, and shows empirically, using 1750 gene trees constructed from the Pfam protein family database, that it appears to be a practical (and often superior) algorithm for analyzing real gene trees.

  • 219
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Prospects for building large timetrees using molecular data with incomplete gene coverage among species.
    A. FilipskiOscar MurilloAnna FreydenzonK. TamuraSudhir Kumar

    Biology, Computer Science

    Molecular biology and evolution

  • 2014

It is concluded that it is best to use larger alignments, because adding both genes and species to the alignment augments the number of genes available for estimating divergence events deep in the tree and improves their time estimates.

  • 52
  • PDF
The SILVA ribosomal RNA gene database project: improved data processing and web-based tools
    Christian QuastE. Pruesse F. Glöckner

    Computer Science, Biology

    Nucleic Acids Res.

  • 2013

The extensively curated SILVA taxonomy and the new non-redundant SILVA datasets provide an ideal reference for high-throughput classification of data from next-generation sequencing approaches.

Estimating divergence times in large molecular phylogenies
    K. TamuraF. BattistuzziPaul Billing-RossOscar MurilloA. FilipskiSudhir Kumar


    Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences

  • 2012

RelTime is presented, a method that estimates relative times of divergences for all branching points (nodes) in very large phylogenetic trees without assuming a specific model for lineage rate variation or specifying any clock calibrations.

  • 535
  • PDF
The SILVA and “All-species Living Tree Project (LTP)” taxonomic frameworks
    Pelin YilmazL. Parfrey F. Glöckner

    Biology, Environmental Science

    Nucleic Acids Res.

  • 2014

The improvements the SILVA taxonomy has undergone in the last 3 years are described, focusing on the curation process, the various resources used for curation and the comparison of the SILva taxonomy with Greengenes and RDP-II taxonomies.

  • 2,533
  • PDF
Tree of Life Reveals Clock-Like Speciation and Diversification
    S. HedgesJulie MarinMichael SuleskiMadeline PaymerSudhir Kumar

    Biology, Environmental Science

    Molecular biology and evolution

  • 2015

A global timetree of life synthesized from 2,274 studies representing 50,632 species and examined the pattern and rate of diversification as well as the timing of speciation suggests that speciation and diversification are processes dominated by random events and that adaptive change is largely a separate process.

MUSCLE: a multiple sequence alignment method with reduced time and space complexity
    Robert C. Edgar

    Computer Science, Biology

    BMC Bioinformatics

  • 2004

MUSCLE offers a range of options that provide improved speed and / or alignment accuracy compared with currently available programs, and a new option, MUSCLE-fast, designed for high-throughput applications.

  • 7,918
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    [PDF] MEGA7: Molecular Evolutionary Genetics Analysis Version 7.0 for Bigger Datasets. | Semantic Scholar (2024)
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