Ounces to Cups Converter - Convert Oz to Cups (2024)

Convert oz to cups (US cups or Imperial cups) online. Calculate how many cups a given number of ounces of water, milk, flour, butter, sugar, salt, or another recipe ingredient is equal to. Easily follow recipes with the help of our tool.

Quick navigation:

  1. Ounces and cups in recipes
  2. How many ounces in a cup?
  3. Converting between oz and cups
  4. Oz to cups conversion tables
  • Ounces of water to cups conversion table
  • Ounces to cups of milk conversion table
  • Ounces of vegetable oil to cups conversion table

Ounces and cups in recipes

The ounce (oz) is a measurement of mass used mostly in UK and the the former British colonies, including the US, UK, Australia, New Zealand, among others. It has been standardized most recently in the 20-th century and is now defined in terms of grams (28.35 grams to be precise).

The cup is a unit of volume with two definitions that one can encounter in recipes. The most widely used is the US legal cup, defined as containing 240 ml of volume. An older unit still encountered is the Imperial cup which equals 284 ml. Both units are supported by our converter.

Ideally, one would not convert weight to volume (oz to cups) since this conversion requires the introduction of density in the calculation, and that can only be roughly estimated from averages. Therefore, using volumes introduces unnecessary uncertainty in the preparation of a recipe and should be avoided when a kitchen scale is available. This holds especially true for sweets and desserts.

How many ounces in a cup?

It depends on what is to be put in the cup. Simply put, the weight in ounces of a given volume of an ingredient depends directly on the density of said ingredient. For example, a cup of water weighs about eight and a half ounces, while a cup of vegetable oil weighs just 7.7 ounces. So if we take 7.7 ounces of oil it will fill a cup while 8.5 ounces of water will leave some empty space on the top.

To answer the question, first learn what the density of the substance is, then divide its volume by the density to get the number of ounces in a cup. This can involve both research and math, and you can spare yourself the effort if you simply employ our oz to cups converter as long as the ingredient is among the list of supported ones.

Converting between oz and cups

The conversion from ounces to cups can be approached once the density of the substance to be converted is known. For example, a recipe might specify 8 ounces water and 16 ounces of flour, and you may want to convert those measurements to cups. To do so, follow these instructions:

Eight ounces of water to cups

Sample task: convert eight ounces of water to cups, knowing that the density of water is 1 gram per milliliter meaning that a US cup holds 8.5 oz of water. Solution:

oz / 8.5 = cups
8 oz / 8.50 = 0.941176 cups
End result:
8 oz is equal to 0.941176 cups

For practical purposes, eight ounces of water equal one cup of water.

Sixteen ounces of milk to cups

Sample task: convert sixteen ounces of flour to cups, knowing that the density of flour is 0.67 grams per milliliter meaning that a cup holds 5.7 oz of flour. Solution:

oz / 5.7 = cups
16 oz / 5.70 = 2.807018 cups
End result:
16 oz is equal to 2.807018 cups

For most scenarious you'd be happy to round that up to three cups of flour while skimming just a bit off the top of the last one.

Oz to cups conversion tables

For your convenience, we present charts for some of the most used cooking ingredients, namely water, milk, and vegetable oil.

Ounces of water to cups conversion table

Often used quantities of water in ounces and their corresponding values in US cups are listed below.

Ounces of water to cups conversion table
Ounces of waterCups of water
2 oz¼ cup
3 oz⅓ cup
4 oz½ cup
6 oz¾ cup
8 oz1 cup
16 oz2 cups
32 oz3¾ cups

Ounces to cups of milk conversion table

Below is a kitchen conversion chart in ounces of milk and their corresponding values in cups (US legal cups).

Oz to cups of milk conversion table
Ounces of milkCups of milk
2 oz¼ cup
3 oz⅓ cup
4 oz½ cup
6 oz⅔ cup
8 oz1 cup
16 oz1¾ cups
32 oz3⅔ cups

Ounces of vegetable oil to cups conversion table

This helpful conversion chart is between ounces and cups of vegetable oil such as olive oil, sunflower oil, and others.

Oz to cups of oil conversion table
Ounces of vegetable oilCups of vegetable oil
2 oz¼ cup
3 oz⅓ cup
4 oz½ cup
6 oz¾ cup
8 oz1 cup
16 oz2 cups
32 oz4 cups
Ounces to Cups Converter - Convert Oz to Cups (2024)


Ounces to Cups Converter - Convert Oz to Cups? ›

To convert ounces to cups, divide the number of ounces by 8. Set Up the Conversion Equation: Use this equation: Cups = Ounces ÷ 8. Perform the Calculation: Divide the number of ounces by 8 to find out how many cups there are.

How do you convert 0z to cups? ›

How to convert fl oz to cups? To convert fluid ounces to cups, you need to divide fluid ounces by 8. For example: 4 fluid ounces = 0.5 cup.

How many ounces makes 1 cup? ›

There are 8 fluid ounces in 1 cup. This is according to the US system.

Does 8 oz make 1 cup? ›

Being able to convert between ounces and cups is a valuable skill for everyday life. In the US, 1 cup is equal to 8 fluid ounces. This conversion is widely used and not just for recipes. For liquids, 1/2 cup is 4 fluid ounces, 1/4 cup is 2 fluid ounces, and 1/8 cup is 1 fluid ounce.

How to convert dry ounces to cups? ›

Converting ounces to cups

½ cup = 4 fluid ounces. ¼ cup = 2 fluid ounces. 1 cup = 4.5 dry-weight ounces.

Does 16 oz equal 2 cups? ›

Answer and Explanation: 16 fluid ounces equals 2 cups. One cup is equal to 8 ounces. To find the number of cups that is equal to 16 ounces, divide 16 by 8.

Does 2 cups equal 8 oz? ›

The answer is 2 cups equals 16 ounces.

Is it 8 or 16 ounces in a cup? ›

There are 8 fluid ounces in a cup.

How much is 2 cups in ounces? ›

1 cup is equal to 8 fluid ounces. Multiply 8 by 2. 8x2 is 16 so 2 cups is equal to 16 ounces.

How to measure 1 cup? ›

16 tablespoons equal 1 cup, and 48 teaspoons equal 1 cup. Alternatively, use a kitchen scale. 1 cup of liquid equals 240 grams on a scale. Eyeball your liquid measurements using estimated size comparisons if you're in a pinch.

Is a dry cup 8 oz? ›

Dry ingredients are measured in dry ounces or cups. Using American measurements, a single cup contains 4.5 dry ounces. Always remember to measure dry ingredients by weight!

Is 4 dry oz a cup? ›

In general, four ounces (4 oz) make up half a cup (0.5 cups). That's about 113.4 grams. However, bear in mind that this conversion works for dry ingredients, like flour, baking powder, baking soda and refers to dry ounces. This will not work for the measurement of fluids.

How many ounces is a cup recipe? ›

1 cup = ½ pint= 8 fluid ounces. 2 cups = 1 pint = 16 fluid ounces. 4 cups = 2 pints = 1 quart = 32 fluid ounces. 16 cups = 8 pints = 1 gallon = 128 fluid ounces.

How many cups is 8 oz dry? ›

8 dry ounces is a specific volume of 1 cup. 16 dry ounces is 1 (dry) pint (by volume). A quart (32 ounces) of (dry) beans weighs less than a quart of vinegar (which has a mass slightly higher than a quart of pure water).

How do you measure an ounce in a measuring cup? ›

1 ounce is equal to 1/8 cup. 1 ounce is also equal to 2 tablespoons.

How many dry ounces are in a cup of flour? ›

A cup of all-purpose flour weighs 4 1/4 ounces or 120 grams. This chart is a quick reference for volume, ounces, and grams equivalencies for common ingredients.

How many cups is 10 oz dry? ›

10 ounces of a liquid (like water) is approximately 1.25 cups. 10 ounces of a dry ingredient (like flour or sugar) can vary but is approximately 1.18 cups.

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